Komen Bahamas Runs On Dunkin’

Rogan Smith, Dunkin’ Donuts’ Director of Operations, Vanessa Eneas; Kiss 96FM DJ, ‘Naughty’;
Sister Sister President, Andrea Sweeting; Dunkin’ Donuts’ Marketing Manager, Eldira Backford and
Dunkin’ Donuts’ Director of Marketing, Ash Henderson
The Susan G. Komen Bahamas Race for the Cure scored a slam Dunk during its recent registration drive at Dunkin’ Donuts Bahamas.
Twice a month until the Sunshine Insurance Race Weekend (SIRW) in January, Komen Bahamas will have on-site registration at the donut giant’s East Street South location from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m.
The goal is to get as many local residents registered for the January 13th event.
During the registration drive, volunteers from Sister Sister Breast Cancer Support Group manned the booth and secured donations.
“I have a newfound respect for Bahamians and their level of generosity. To see so many people generously donate to our cause was so inspiring. These were individuals who were stopping in for their regular coffee run, and they were pulling out twenty dollar bills to donate,” said PR Chair for Komen Bahamas, Rogan Smith.
“We were appreciative for every dollar. There was one gentleman who gave what seemed to be his last few dollars to donate to our cause. That spoke volumes. Ninety-five per cent of the people who donated that day told us that they were affected either directly or indirectly by breast cancer or cancer is some form. It was startling to hear the stories.”
Mrs. Smith thanked Dunkin’ Donuts, not only for its support.
“Not only does Dunkin’ Donuts sponsor our event, it opened up its doors for us to have these registration drives and the Dunkin’ Donuts team went out of its way to accommodate us. They genuinely want to see us succeed. We applaud the company for its level of commitment. We couldn’t ask for a better partner.”
The next registration drive takes place October 20th from 7:00 a.m. to 9:0 a.m.
To register, visit www.komenbahamas.org.
The registration fee for adults is $30 and $15 for children under the age of 12. All children 18 and under are automatically entered for a chance to win a free iPad Mini with earbuds and a case.